
Showing posts from May, 2023

Finishing Up

The teacher was not present today so Ms. Cook served as our sub. I spent the class period polishing my final project for AP US History and napping. In 3rd period I presented my project. All I have left to do for this school year are 4 more late assignments. After I complete those, my grade in APUSH should definitely move from a low B to at least a high B.

Microwave Broke

Today was the last day to complete missing assignments. I spent the class period working on my final projects and missing assignments as per usual. After the class period was over we went to 3rd period and then lunch. I brought my crab cakes too school and they were really good. Though the taste seemed a bit off/faded out because they have been sitting in the fridge for almost 2(?) weeks because I forgot about them. It's a good thing that I brought food to school to warm up because I won't be eating much at home since our microwave almost caught on fire/stopped working right this morning. I hope it can get fixed soon. 

American Lit Final

 Today we took the American Lit Final about poems we have done over the semester. They were "Constantly Risking Absurdity", "I too", and "The Negro Speaks of Rivers". The test was pretty easy if you payed attention while we were analyzing them a few weeks or months ago and following along with the teacher. I heard some of my classmates did not do so well on it, but I'm not surprised because I remember many of them were not paying attention or completing the assignments relating to the poem back then. I got 14/18, which was way lower than I expected, but it makes sense since I did not understand a good 3 or 4 of the questions there. My grade on the 3 section(I think it was either this or 2) Final Exam should bring my overall grade higher though since I did so well on it.


 Absent in school today 

Free Day

Today was a free day due to the fact Mr. Rease was absent and he did not assign any classwork. We did not finish the worksheet from yesterday so today we were supposed to answer questions about the movie. But since that did not happen, I just spent my class time working on assignments from Geometry and APUSH. Some of my classmates spent the period watching this movie called "Pitch Perfect" on the big screen. We left the period without the bell again for some reason. I wonder why the bell stopped working. I think we were told why but I forgot.

Journey to School

Today we watched a movie about how less fortunate people go to school. The four kids journeys that were covered we Jackson and his sister from Kenya, Zahira and her friends from Morocco, Carlos and his sister Rica in Mexico, qnd Samuel and his brothers from India. They all take treacherous and dangerous journeys to get to school, with many risks and dangers along those paths. Such as losing their way, drowning in a river, getting kidnapped, injuring themselves, or getting killed by wild animals or dangerous people. I'm really glad all I have to do is walk to the bus stop or hop in one of my parent's car to go to school.

Presentations of Countries in Asia

Today we did presentations of our group projects about countries in Asia. The countries presented were Thailand, North Korea, China, South Korea, the Philippines, and Japan. Some of the things in the presentations I knew already and some of the information presented was new to me. For example I was not aware that Thailand had temples or tribal villages. Some things I learned while doing our presentation on North Korea was that 3 languages most commonly spoken there are Korean, Chinese, and Russian, but most of the population is proficient in Korean.

Free Day

Today we had a free day, which means we didn't have any classwork to complete. I used the class period to complete work from AP US History and take some naps. After that we went to 3rd period. Then we went to lunch. After lunch I worked on a lot of work in AP US History.

Final Projects

Today was the last the day to work on our google slides project in this class. Me and my group was done with our work so I used my class time to work on work from other classes. That work included some parts of my final project in Geometry class and AP US History. Speaking of AP US History, a lot of the class was absent today as well because they were taking that exam. I didn't have to take it since it appears I didn't sign up for it.

AP Exam Week

Today is the last day to work on our projects. My entire group was done with ours, the last thing left to do was draw the flag and one of my groups members already got to work and completion on that. Tommorrow we have to present the project, but I won't be present to do that with my group members due to the fact that I have to take the AP US History Exam tommorrow. And speaking of exams, ansignificant amount of the class left to take the AP Statistics Exam. One of my friends who is taking it as well told me it was a difficult class—so difficult that she has to take Saturday school for it, so I wonder how my classmates are doing in there and how they might be doing on the exam. 

Working on North Korea Presentation

Today me and my group continued to work on our google slides of the country North Korea. I recommended that we each do a slide and so that the work could be balanced out and I'm glad that my group members followed that suggestion. One of them told me that he finished 3 slides. He didn't really need to do that but all that matters is that the project is pretty much almost done. I'm hoping it is A grade material so it can push my grade to at least a low A before the school year ends.


Today for our bellringer we were asked to define literature, and what it means to us. Then the class listened to a 15-20 minute story and answered some discussion questions about it. Then we were given instructions on our project and told to break into 5 groups. After trading and exchanging our choice of country with other groups, we finally settled on the option North Korea. I believe that me and my group members have almost completed our presentation. 

College Application

Today we went into this site called, created a profile on there, and added 5 colleges to it. We reviewed the sites features, and the requirements needed in a college application, including an essay. Then we were told to create a 250 word essay with one of the prompts on this paper the teacher gave us. The prompt I picked was: number 5: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. I'm about halfway done with my ~3 paragraph essay and should finish it today or tommorrow.